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Does Your Child Have a Developmental Disability? There is a Handbook to Help.

Jan 23, 2011 | 5:21 PM

Saskatchewan Association for Community Living presentsNavigating the System: An Advocacy Handbook for Parents of Children with Intellectual DisabilitiesThird Edition

After receiving and coming to terms with a diagnosis of intellectual disability for our children, we are faced with a steep learning curve.

One of the fi rst things we must learn about is the extensive system of organizations and services available or, in many cases, unavailable, in our community.

As in life, there are no textbooks to tell you exactly what you need to know to be successful; however, now there is an updated handbook to assist you in the learning process thanks to the Grassroots Alliance and the SACL.

They have recognized the value of the experience of parents who have come face to face with these same challenges before us and compiled this information into an understandable and user-friendly format.

”Bluesette Campbell, Parent/Advocate Meadow Lake, SK Navigating the System: An Advocacy Handbook for Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities was fi rst released in 2004.

Since that time families have told us that this book has been the most helpful resource they have found.

Now in its third edition, this valuable resource off ers a wealth of information on how you can work with the systems that you will encounter as a parent of a child with an intellectual disability.

Information on new programs is included along with up-to-date information on respite, early childhood intervention, education, medical care and many other systems.

© Saskatchewan Association for Community Living 154 pages, 8 ½ x 11 Price $20 + $8.50 shipping FREE to parents of children with disabilities.  for ordering information.