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Remenda to help attract events to city

Jan 22, 2011 | 6:32 AM

The partnership of hotels in Prince Albert is hoping to promote the city to a larger audience, now that they’ve got the help of city councillor and former downtown improvement director, Jayne Remenda.

On Feb. 1, Remenda will take on the role of executive director of the Prince Albert Destination Marketing Fund. It’s a group of seven major hotels in the city who want to bring more large events to the city and help small groups promote themselves as hosts.

The fund raises money through a two per cent levy for rooms at hotels involved with the fund.

Funds president Lise McKenna said other cities in the province, especially Regina and Saskatoon have been benefitting from funds and are seen as premier destinations in the province.

She said she hopes with the help of funds raised in the city, Prince Albert will be able to gain some profile.

“We will have that option to be able to give some sponsorship dollars to individual events, national events, any type of organization that’s looking to put on a venue in the city,” said McKenna.

“We are looking to be able to, down the road, bring in some nice events to the city—it’s definitely going to help.”

Remenda at the helm

The hotels have been levying to the fund since September, but as of Feb. 1, Remenda will take charge as executive director to both administer funds and attract events.

McKenna said she was the perfect choice for the job given her experience in the downtown area.

“Jayne has a lot of experience, a lot of connections in the province, outside the province as well,” said McKenna. “We really feel that her personality and her knowledge and experience would be a definite asset to the Destination Marketing Fund.”

Remenda said it was an easy transition from the downtown the marketing fund since it was similar to her previous work and she had, in fact, been involved with the fund’s creation.

“It was in some ways a natural transition,” she said. “A lot of the initiatives that I’ve been working on with tourism and the downtown, it’s taking it to the next level and promoting the community and the downtown as an asset, as well as the seven member hotels and all city facilities and various things in the community to our tourists.”

She said it was a little said to end her time at the Prince Albert Downtown Improvement District Association, but she was looking forward to the new challenges and opportunities.