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Anger Management for Adults

Jan 18, 2011 | 4:53 PM


Are you one of those people who feels a lot of anger?  Are you often at a loss as to how to deal with it? 

This program will help you cope with your anger by helping you to identify the sources of your anger; by assisting you to acknowledge the importance of these feelings; and by offering strategies for coping with anger so it does not dominate your life.

 The class will offer participants safe and effective ways to express and manage anger.  The 6 sessions allow time for group sharing and practicing of techniques.

DATE:  Thursday, February 10 – March 17, 2011 (6 weeks)
TIME:  7:00-9:00 p.m.


LOCATION:  Catholic Family Services, 1008 1st Ave W, 3rd Floor

COST: $60.00/person


To register, please call: (306) 922-3202 or 1-877-922-3202.

A 6 week program aimed to help adults cope with anger by answering questions such as:

»        What is anger?

»        How does my anger affect my body and my health?

»        How do I show anger?

»        Where is my anger coming from?

»        When does anger become a problem?

»        How can we manage anger?

»        What is forgiveness?


The class will offer participants a safe, respectful environment for group sharing and practicing of techniques.


Objective Are To:

»        Express anger through appropriate verbalizations and healthy physical outlets on a consistent basis.

»        Significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of temper outbursts.

»        Terminate all destruction of property, physical aggression and acts of violence.

»        Interact consistently with people in a respectful manner.

»        Resolve the core conflicts that contribute to the emergency of anger control problems.

Thursdays 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

»        Week 1 – Understanding Anger

»        Week 2 – Triggers

»        Week 3 – Belief System

»        Week 4 – Underlying Feelings

»        Week 5 – Behaviors and Consequences

»        Week 6 – Anger Sequence

To register please contact:

Diana Bird

Program Coordinator

(306) 922-3202 ext 28
