Neuroplasticity – the Ability of the Brain to Change from North Sask Acquired Brain Injury Services
New discoveries about the brain’s ability to reshape itself offer hope to persons who have suffered a stroke
or traumatic brain injury.
Just a few decades ago, it was believed that the brain was hard-wired, fixed in form and function, so that by the time we reach adulthood we are pretty much stuck with what we have. It was believed that if cells in the brain controlling a particular function were damaged, the individual would never be able to recover the lost function.
Scientists were confused, however, by patients who had an area of the brain destroyed yet could still
perform the functions of that area.
An example of this is a patient who has suffered a stroke that destroyed the left hemisphere of her brain,
rendering her right hand paralyzed and making her unable to speak. She later regained use of that hand
and the ability to speak when the right side of her brain took over the functions normally assigned to the
left hemisphere.