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Community Grant Application

Jan 7, 2011 | 10:19 AM

Community Initiatives Fund – Community Grant Program

Program Objectives

The CIF Community Grant Program provides project grants to community initiatives that enhance human development and community vitality, focusing on:

a)      development opportunities for children, youth and families;

b)      increased positive activities for young people at the local level, including physical activity, arts and cultural activity;

c)      increased community leadership capacity, particularly leadership opportunities for youth; and,

d)     inclusion of First Nations and Métis people as leaders in the planning and/or delivery of community activities.

Annual Grantssupport projects that will be delivered throughout the year.

Summer Grantsassist community organizations in delivering projects between May and September.

Priority Areas For Funding

The CIF Community Grant Program is focused on human development – supporting community organizations to deliver activities that improve the education, health, and/or well-being of children, youth and families.  Projects supported provide development opportunities for children, youth and families that focus on prevention and early intervention, as opposed to crisis intervention.  Requests must meet at least one of the following priority areas:

·           family violence prevention projects that reflect a balance between residential and outreach services in the community;

·           health projects designed for prevention and early intervention;

·           social services prevention projects;

·           justice-related education projects and services for children and youth in the areas of crime prevention and early intervention;

·           sport, culture, and recreation projects and services that reduce barriers to and support access and participation for youth, children, and families;

·           school-based projects that assist the school and the community to build partnerships to address the complex and diverse needs of students; and,

·           projects that respond to the increased number of Aboriginal people living off-reserve, particularly those that are developed and delivered with inclusion of First Nations and Métis people living in urban centres.

Note:  The priorities above may be weighed based on community consultations conducted at the regional level.  Contact your RIC Coordinator for information on funding priorities identified for your region.

What is the Community Initiatives Fund?

The Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) was introduced by the provincial government in 1996 to ensure that Saskatchewan communities received benefits from casino profits.  The CIF receives a portion of profits from the Regina and Moose Jaw casinos.  The Fund is managed by an independent government-appointed board.  The board has many years of experience as community volunteers.

The CIF Community Grant Program is delivered at the regional level with the assistance of Human

Service Regional Intersectoral Committees (RICs). 

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible to apply for the Community Grant Program, a community organization must:

·        have a primary purpose and activities that are charitable in nature (i.e. relief of poverty, advancement of education or other purposes considered beneficial to the community), and

·        be incorporated in Saskatchewan as a non-profit corporation; and/or,

·        be a community-based or voluntary Saskatchewan group that is endorsed by a recognized partner organization such as a municipality, school, school division or health region.

Federal and provincial government departments and ministries are not eligible for funding.

Schools, school divisions, municipalities and health regions may apply for projects that are community-based and community-led.

Eligible Projects

Projects supported must begin after the application deadline and will not be funded retroactively.

The CIF is intended to support off-reserve activity.  Community organizations that meet the eligible applicant criteria, including First Nations organizations located on-reserve or off-reserve, may apply to the CIF or form partnerships to deliver off-reserve projects.  Projects may combine CIF funds with funds from other sources such as Community Development Corporations, Tribal Councils, First Nations, or federal or provincial agencies so that, overall, the project has funds to support components both on-reserve and off-reserve.

Projects must not duplicate existing programs and services already available in the community.

Government delivered projects, programs and services are not eligible.

Further restrictions apply – see Eligible and Ineligible Expenses for details.

Eligible and Ineligible Expenses

All income and expenses must be included in the Budget Form provided in the application.  The following restrictions apply on the use of Community Grant Program funds:

·         Expenses claimed must be direct project related costs, such as project materials, minor equipment, salaries for project personnel and/or rent and utilities specifically related to project delivery.

·         Cash, prizes, gifts, gift cards, food hampers, awards and trophies/plaques are not eligible.

·         Construction, renovation, retro-fit and repair to buildings/facilities and major equipment (including fixing doors, shingling roofs, installing flooring, hauling, moving, etc.) are not eligible.

·         Professional staff training is not eligible.

·         Promotional items such as uniforms, t-shirts, water bottles, etc., are not eligible.

·         Donations of in-kind contributions and volunteer time may not be claimed as a cash expense.

·         Reasonable expenses for individuals such as volunteer honourariums and participant allowances may be considered provided the expense is justified and directly related to project delivery.

·         Wages for project staff are eligible but must directly support project delivery and not replace general operating or core costs for the organization. 

·         Salaries and expenses for federal, provincial, or municipal government employees are not eligible.

·         Out of province travel and activities are not eligible.

·         Other expenses that the CIF board deem inappropriate may be excluded.


Grant Levels

·         For annual grants, up to a maximum of $25,000 per project is allowed. 

·         For summer grants, up to a maximum of $5,000 per project is allowed.

·         The amount allocated for each project is based on merit assessed against the grant criteria, the level of eligible requests received, consideration for providing support to requests across the region, and the amount of funding available for distribution.

·         Due to limited funding, applicants may receive funding for not more than one annual grant and one summer grant in any given year.

Assessment Criteria

Applicants will be assessed using the following criteria:

a)      Respond to identified priority areas:  The proposed project must advance at least one of the priority areas for funding identified in page 1 of the application guide.

b)     Community support: The project has community support and partnerships to ensure successful delivery and participation in the project.  Support may include donations, in-kind contributions, volunteer time, and financial contributions from the community and partners. Please include letters that demonstrate community need and support for your project.

c)      Project effectiveness:  The project plan is achievable and will support clear results, have real-life outcomes, be preventative in nature, benefit a significant number of individuals in the community, and be based on community needs. 

d)     Project integration and coordination:  The project is integrated or coordinated with other community programs and services of a similar nature offered within the same area or region to maximize outcomes and to avoid duplication of similar or existing programs and services within the geographical area.  Where possible, the project includes coordination of CIF funding with other funding sources. 

e)      Community leadership:  The project is community-based and developed with community input to address community-identified needs.  Where possible, there is active involvement in the development, management, and delivery of the projects by those to whom the projects are intended to benefit.  Projects that increase community leadership capacity, particularly for smaller communities, youth, First Nations and Métis people, are encouraged.

f)       Funding sustainability:  If the project is intended to be ongoing, the project plan includes consideration for how the project will be supported long-term through other contributions and funding sources.  

Funding Obligations

Successful applicants must submit a Follow-up form to the CIF Administrator within 60 days of the project completion.  A Follow-up form will be provided to all successful grant recipients with their grant cheque.  The CIF Administrator will confirm whether the funding obligations have been met and will inform the organization in writing that the follow-up form has been accepted or if there are outstanding issues to address.  Follow-up forms will also be shared with the RIC Coordinator.

All grant recipients are asked to acknowledge the CIF and the Government of Saskatchewan as supporters of their activities.

Organizations receiving grants must submit a photocopy of actual receipts or payroll records or an audited financial statement that has been prepared by a recognized audit firm, signed by two Board Funding Obligations – continued

members.  The audited financial statement must clearly outline the CIF grant received as well as specific expenses related to the project.  Original documents and receipts must be kept by the grant recipient for seven years as per recognized accounting principles.

Unused CIF funds, or funds used for purposes other than what was approved, must be returned to the CIF.

Summer grants must be used within the May to September period of the fiscal year awarded. Annual grants must be used within 12 months of the approval date.  Extensions may be allowed by the CIF board and require a written request to the attention of the CIF Administrator.  The board will inform the organization of the decision.

Failure to meet the above funding obligations to the satisfaction of the CIF board is grounds to restrict access to future funding.

Application Deadlines 

Ÿ   Annual Grants:May 1, November 1, February 1

Ÿ   Summer Grants:March 1

Application Process

Two complete copies of the application must be sent to the CIF Administrator at 1870 Lorne Street, Regina, SK  S4P 2L7and postmarked by the deadline date. Faxed or emailed copies will not be accepted.

Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Organizations with outstanding final reports will have their applications deferred until the outstanding grant is completed and the file closed.

Organizations applying for annual and summer grants are encouraged to consult with their RIC Coordinator prior to making application.

Grant Review Process

The CIF Administrator will receive and review each application to confirm that basic eligibility requirements have been met.  Eligible applications will then be forwarded to the RICs to be reviewed by a regional grant review committee.  Recommendations from the grant review committees are then sent to the CIF board who makes final grant decisions.

Each organization will be notified, in writing, of the outcome of their funding request.

Appeal Process

Funding decisions may be reconsidered by submitting a written request to the CIF board at the address of the CIF Administrator.  The applicant must indicate the grounds for reconsideration of the grant application.  The board will respond in writing to the appeal.

Application Guidelines:  application guidelines and forms are available by:

·         Downloading a copy at; or

·         Contacting the CIF Administrator (contact information below).


Application Process

Send applications to the attention of CIF Administrator, Rhonda Newtonat 1870 Lorne Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 2L7.

Contact Information

For more information contact the CIF Administrator, Rhonda Newton  Phone: (306)780-9308,  Email:  OR
Contact your Regional Intersectoral Committee (RIC) Coordinator (below):