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Alcohol, Drug and Problem Gambling Mini Course

Dec 29, 2010 | 1:31 PM

The four day Mini Course is offered by Addiction Services in the Community to provide training to professionals from various agencies, as well as the general public.  The training will primarily provide an overview of the following subject areas;

·         Process of Addiction

·         Co-dependency

·         Adolescent Drug Use and Intervention

·         Children from Homes Where Addiction Cycle Occurs

·         Effects of Alcohol and Drug Use

·         Intervention

·         Relapse Prevention

·         Gambling Profiles, Concepts/Theories, Trends, Treatment, etc.

·         Self help programs

DATE:       March 29 – April 1, 2011

                   Tuesday – Friday

Time:             9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Place:                        Addiction Services

                        101  15th Street East), Prince Albert

(2nd Floor – access East entrance by Action Printing)

Coordinator:  Dianne Nielsen, Community Educator, PAPHR

Cost:  $ 30.00 for course manual, reference material and hand outs.

Registration:  To register please call 765-6565 or fax. 765-6567

*Class size for each session will be limited to first 15 registered.

Please note – This course constitutes 20 core hours for the Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Board (CACCF).