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Winter Fun Tips from Vincent Massey Community School

Dec 19, 2010 | 8:02 PM

 Warm up to be Active the Winter

 In any type of weather, physical activity is fun to do as a family or with friends. Parents are important role
 models for their children and by actively participating in physical activity – whether structured sport or un-
 structured play – their children will be motivated to participate as well.

 What if my family hasn’t been active? Start slowly with an activity you all like to do!       Replace inactive
 time – watching TV, surfing the ‘net’ or playing video games – with active time – walking the dog, tobog-
 ganing or skating. Children need to accumulate at least 90 minutes of physical activity each day, so make
 this a goal to work towards as a family.

 Winter offers many fun opportunities to warm up to physical activity! Don’t hibernate – partici-