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Homes for the Homeless Program Looking For Community Mentors

Dec 10, 2010 | 3:08 PM

The Homes for the Homeless Program, a joint initiative between Metis Local 269 and Jubilation Program is succeeding beyond expectations. 
Since June 15th, 2010, we have received well over one hundred referrals, we opened 93 active files, and, what is more important, we placed 59% of our active clients in suitable, appropriate housing units using the existing rental housing stock in the City of Prince Albert.
These are remarkable and extremely encouraging statistics.
We have also trained about 10 community mentors who are now linked to our homeless clients – a very unique feature in this exciting program.
WE ARE NOW PLANNING A THIRD ROUND OF TRAINING IN THE MONTHS OF JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2011 – exact dates to be determined.   We are currently taking names of potential community mentors.   The training is about 15 hours in length and certification is provided by CHAKAM in Prince Albert.
If you know someone who would like to be trained and volunteer with our program tell them to call 764-1172 or 922-0100.