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Province reviewing Outlook cattle feedlot proposal

Oct 31, 2010 | 11:32 AM

A huge proposed cattle feedlot near Outlook is moving into the next review stage before receiving approval.
The RM of Rudy has approved the plan which would see upwards of 36,000 head of cattle occupy a property along the South Saskatchewan River.
The Ministry of Agriculture now must see that Strathmore, Alta.-based Namaka Farms has considered everything, including water quality concerns.
“They need to manage their waste products properly,” said Andy Jansen, the ministry's manager of agriculture operations.
“Are there risks? Yes. That's why the legislation's in place.”
A recent petition to send the issue to referendum failed because it was deemed invalid. Several people in the area are worried the intensive livestock operation would compromise water quality and heavy truck traffic would do a number on the RM's roads.
Jansen notes the review will look at everything — even a worst case scenario.
“If something happened where all these animals needed to be culled or died for some reason, how would that be managed? So we'll ask [Namaka Farms] to develop those plans right up front,” he said.
If the province gives the green light, the feedlot would become the largest of its kind in Saskatchewan.