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Who We Are at Prince Albert Group Home

Oct 28, 2010 | 11:00 AM

The Society is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors composed of concerned individuals from the community. All agency programs are staffed by qualified and caring personnel who bring a variety of gifts and personal strengths to their work. Many of our staff were born and raised in the area and have deep roots in the community. The participants in our programs have a variety of needs ranging from intellectual disabilities to other physical and developmental challenges.

Our primary funding agency is the Ministry of Social Services through the Community Living Division [CLD]. In addition to municipal codes, we are subject to Provincial Licensing and Service Quality standards. We also have approximately 6 residents funded by their respective Bands through Indian and Northern Affairs Commission [INAC]. We are part of a larger community through our membership with the Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centers [SARC]. We enjoy supportive working relationships with community and provincial agencies such as: Kin Enterprises Inc.; Prince Albert Supported Employment [PASE] and the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living [SACL].