When it Comes to Getting a Job … Sometimes You Just Need a Little Help
We provide services in vocational planning, work assessments, correlating aptitude testing, skills testing, vocational and psychological assessments, plus providing job search skills and negotiating wage subsidies. In addition, we offer information and referral services for adult education programs, life skills courses, employment opportunities, skill training programs, health and social service and other community resources.
This program is for adults (18 years and older) with multiple barriers to finding and maintaining employment in Prince Albert and area. These barriers might include, but are not limited to:
- lack of adequate transportation
- disabilities
- language barrier
- lack of appropriate childcare
- substance abuse
- mental health
- lack of education
- limited previous attachment to the labour force
- limited success in maintaining long term employment
An individual may self-refer to the centre or be part of a referral process from another community service provider.