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Proposed seniors complex receives community support

Oct 13, 2010 | 7:06 AM

PA Now Staff

A company that builds retirement homes was looking for community support from Tisdale and it looks like they are getting it.

About 100 people attended an open house for a proposed Seniors Center in Tisdale.

The popular retirement home company, Caleb Group, is impressed with the community's response, said Ron Folstad, marketing representative.

They need to presell 30 of the 94 units to build the seniors complex and according Ron Folstad, marketing representative for Caleb Group, they are already about halfway there.

“In our opinion it looks very good but we still have a ways to go before we make a final decision and we will have that made by the 15th of November,” he said.

Folsated warned that there is a drawback to a quick response. With a limited number of each kind of unit some families may have to be on a waiting list to get what they want.

“I'm just trying to encourage everybody to get their name in and contact us as soon as possible so that we can give them the service they expect.”

If the support community support continues Caleb group could be on site by December.

The site is across the street from the hospital in Tisdale.