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P.A. Crimestoppers Neighbourhood Watch Program

Jul 21, 2011 | 11:23 AM

What does a Neighborhood Watch do
A Neighborhood Watch is neighbors helping neighbors. They are extra eyes and ears for reporting crime and helping each other.

What are my responsibilities as a Watch Member? Be alert! Know your neighbors and watch out for each other. Report crimes and suspicious activities to the Police. What kind of activities should I be aware of? Someone screaming or shouting for help. Someone looking in windows of houses or parked cars. Property being taken out of houses when no one is at home or from closed businesses. Vehicles moving slowly for no apparent reason. Anyone being forced into a vehicle. Strangers sitting in a car or stopping to talk to a child.

What are the major components of a Watch Program? Meetings -Set up on a regular basis. Communications -Can be as simple as a flyer posted on community bulletin boards.

Special Events -These are crucial to keep the program going and growing. Host a talk on current issues. Adopt a park or playground. Sponsor a block