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Royal Purple – Elks Charity Appeal Winners

Jul 30, 2011 | 8:43 AM

The Charity Appeal Winners in the Elks and Royal Purple ticket draw were all from Saskatchewan and are as follows

Early Bird draw winner–$500.00
Darryl McKay of Moosomin, Sk.

Grand Prize–$20,000.00 cash or 2011 Honda Sedan
Darwin Karst; Assiniboine, Sask

Second Prize–$3000.00 cash
Mike Sjodin/Jeff Brown: Milestone Sk.

Third Prize–$1,500.00 Cash
Charry Anne Marie Dampill: Prince Albert, Sask

10 prizes of $100.00 Cash
Jim Jansen Wymark, Sk.
Earl Broan, Moose Jaw.Sk
Laure Palmer, Yorkton Sk.
Reshmee Rambheusy, Saskatoon Sk.
John Poorman, Raymore, Sk.
Barb Wilkie, Saskatoon, Sk.
Ron Swanbrick, Unity, Sk.
Bill Billeul, Regina, Sk.
Cheryl Buffalo, Moose Jaw, Sk.
Al Brooks, Prince Albert, Sk.

Many Thanks to those who stopped and bought tickets for this worthy cause.
The Saskatchewan Charity Appeal Raffle is one of the fundraisers that the Saskatchewan Foundation holds each year by selling raffle tickets.

The Saskatchewan Elks Foundation dedicates their funds from the Charity Appeal Raffle to promote and support a variety of programs and services. These include support for the Elks and Royal Purple fund for children, personal assistance and community projects.

The Charity Appeal Raffle is just one way of helping to meet the needs of Saskatchewan people of all ages