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An Example of the Health System Working

Jan 22, 2015 | 9:56 AM

New year’s resolutions.  Let’s keep it simple I said to myself.  My resolutions this year were to manage stress, revel in the small moments and keep perspective. 

But the truth is; everything went out the window last week when we rushed our daughter to emergency with acute renal failure.  

Winter brings viruses, colds, and flus.  We all know this; hence the reason we tote sanitizer and flock to flu shot clinics.  But this particular flu was sneaky and insidious.  It had caused enough dehydration in our 7 year old to begin a chain of events that were perilous.   When we entered our emergency room admitting area, I’m certain the frantic pounding of my heart is what made every face in that room turn and look. 

There was no mistaking it, our girl needed help fast.  Help was what she received. 

A health care system that most of us too often criticize, pick apart and become impatient with, does work.  Our triage nurses have a job, and they do it well.  To the nurses and doctors in emergency, to the pediatricians and nurses in pediatrics, the words ‘thank you’ seem too small.  But ‘thank you’ is all a parent like myself has to offer.   You rescued our daughter and you gave her a teddy bear to take home.  It does not, get better than that.   

Now, back to my new year’s resolutions of managing stress.