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Police officer no-shows at B.C. Indigenous ceremony lead to tense moments, comments

Oct 25, 2022 | 12:59 PM

BELLA BELLA, B.C. — An Indigenous ceremony dedicated to healing from traumatic events instead set off accusations against Vancouver’s police department of systemic racism that threatens to stall the reconciliation process. 

Two Vancouver police officers who arrested and handcuffed a man and his then-12-year-old granddaughter didn’t show up for the apology ceremony at the Heiltsuk First Nation in Bella Bella, prompting an angry reply from Indigenous leaders. 

During a five-hour ceremony last night, hereditary Chief Frank Brown walked across the sand-covered floor and handed back the gift he received earlier from Vancouver police Chief Adam Palmer.

The building erupted with applause after Brown told the chief and members of the Vancouver Police Board that they couldn’t accept a memento from an organization that condones racism and doesn’t hold individuals accountable for their actions. 

Brown said the tensions during the ceremony were prompted by the decision of the two police constables not to attend the gathering to apologize to Maxwell Johnson and his family to help them recover from the wrongful arrests three years ago.

Vancouver police participation in the apology ceremony was one of several conditions in the settlement of Johnson’s human rights complaint against the Vancouver Police Board earlier this year. 

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 25, 2022.

The Canadian Press

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