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ID 40490560 © Paulgrecaud

Farmers working on 2019 harvest

Apr 30, 2020 | 2:06 PM

Saskatchewan farmers are making some progress mopping up the 2019 harvest.

About two million acres of crop was left overwinter and provincial crop specialist Shannon Friesen said the combines are rolling.

“Certainly, this warm and dry weather has helped a lot. Even though we had lot of acres left over many producers have been able to get back into the field and actually take it off,” Friesen said. “Of course, we have some laying out there but hopefully as this weather continues, we are able to get that off as well.”

Crop quality and yield have been variable across the province. Friesen said in some cases quality was high and the yield was retained. In other instances the crop is a total write-off.

“In areas of the North there was a lot of snow cover a couple of weeks ago and even a few days ago,” she said. “It depends on how much snow and wind you had and whether you were able to get in before the wildlife did.”

As for seeding, Friesen said some areas are just nicely getting started while central and northern regions need several days of warm dry weather.

“Some producers in the southwest have been able to start seeding in the last few days. We are hopeful with this warm weather that a lot more producers are able to get into the field. General seeding is likely not for awhile,” she said.

Friesen is hopeful in the next two or three weeks there will be a lot more action in the field.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF