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A by-the-numbers look at PBO’s latest report on federal infrastructure spending

Mar 29, 2018 | 1:30 PM

OTTAWA — Parliamentary budget officer Jean-Denis Frechette’s latest report on the Liberal government’s infrastructure spending program highlights further delays in the spending plan. Here are some key numbers from the report:

$186.7 billion: Value of federal infrastructure spending over 12 years

$14.4 billion: Value of spending under the first phase of the infrastructure program

32: Federal organizations responsible for Phase 1 of infrastructure spending

10,052: Projects identified by the PBO report, which qualified the total by saying it is not a full inventory of Phase 1 projects

$7.2 billion: Value of those projects, about half of the total planned spending

8,800: Projects approved in fiscal year 2016-17

1,300: Projects approved in fiscal year 2017-18

1,667: Approved projects that to do not have a federal contribution identified

6,000: Projects with identifiable start dates

1,300: Projects that are scheduled to begin after 2018

0.1: Per cent increase in GDP in each of the two fiscal years covered in the report

11,100: Maximum estimated number of jobs federal infrastructure spending has created between April 2017 and March 2018

The Canadian Press