Councillors freeze salary for 2018, add 1% boost for union staff bargaining
In a move to send a message the city rejects provincial cuts, council has frozen their wage for 2018, bucking the government example of a 3.5 per cent rollback.
As elected officials salaries in Prince Albert are tied to that of provincial MLA’s, the 3.5 per cent cut in Regina would have slashed salaries here at home on Jan. 1
But after the public caught wind of the plan to slide back councillor wages, Mayor Greg Dionne said he fielded “quite a few” messages and phones calls from citizens branding him as a hypocrite.
“When the public called me and said, ‘Greg, you sound like a hypocrite. You have spoken out for the workers of our province by saying no cutbacks and then you take one?’” he said. “They are right… I support zeros when you are in a tough time. Look at our departments, they are getting zero. What I don’t support is rollbacks.”