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Search continues to find buyer of old church

Jan 14, 2015 | 5:35 AM

St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church has been listed for sale in paNOW’s classifieds.

The asking price for the century-old building and property is $1.

“We are actually going to negotiate that because it would actually depend on what the buyer would want from the church and what might be salvageable for the congregation,” said session clerk Norman Hill.

Hill said their first preference would be that another congregation would buy it and be able to use it as a church.

The congregation made the decision last year to sell, with the condition that the congregation could still worship there. The congregation has since decided to walk away completely. The cost of the repairs playing a big role in their decision, estimated at $1.5 million.

“The income has dropped as well, so even if it was miraculously repaired, we wouldn’t be able to keep it operating,” said Hill.

The old church was built in 1906. Despite the needed repairs, it still boasts unique stained glass.  According to the ad, the sale would include a rare Casavant organ, and “beautiful oak interior finishings.”

Hill said it is not easy walking away from the building.

“Most people have been there for their lifetime, and there were generations before that participated in with the different things like the camp we supported, the different services,” he said.

The congregation has been long associated with the Camp Christopher program. Each year they send kids to camp that may not otherwise be able to afford it. Last year, the congregation arranged for 130 kids to attend camp.

Grief counsellors have been brought in to help people part ways with the church.

The congregation is now worshipping at Wesley United Church.

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