City seeks resolution to MacArthur Drive flooding
It happens every spring – when the snow melts, water flows over the railroad tracks behind MacArthur Drive and into an adjacent laneway.
From there, the water pools in the some of the backyards of residents who live in along the street. One woman who spoke to paNOW on Tuesday, has lived in her house on MacArthur Drive for 40 years. She said she runs a pump when the water floods her yard in the spring. The pump takes the water that builds up – several inches of it – and redirects it down her driveway and into the street.
She said the flooding has only been a problem for the last eight or nine years. The flood waters wash the seeds of weeds from the area near the railroad tracks into her backyard and that leads to extra work later on when the weeds start to grow.
After repeat flooding incidents, the City of Prince Albert’s public works staff went out to evaluate the site. They also cleared trees, graded the alleyway, did surface gravelling and some drainage maintenance in the alleyway.