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VIDEO: Corn maze gets spooky

Oct 17, 2014 | 7:00 AM

If you’re in the mood for some fun and frights before Halloween this may peak your sense of excitement.

A haunted corn maze at Prince Albert’s Paintball Paradise will be taking place for the second year beginning on Friday.

“The last two nights of the haunted maze were extremely busy last year.  This year I suspect we’ll double the crowds or triple them,” said George Lewko, owner of Paintball Paradise.

Ten to 15 employees will be there each night to help and jump out to scare visitors throughout the corn maze.   Lewko said although he’ll be busy around the site, he will try to take part in the maze.

“You never know where I might show up.  Camouflage works extremely well at night time,” he said.

The corn maze is open for anybody, but Lewko suggests a bit of an older audience.

“It is spooky so generally so we say you want to be probably 10 years old and up,” he said. “Things jump out at you and grab you sometimes and we’ve got natural coyotes around that are howling too, so it just adds to it.”

Lewko said he enjoys the reward of people saying they had a great time after the maze. 

“People show up in groups generally for this, they split up and they spook each other … It’s pretty easy when they get out in the corn and it’s dark and you can’t see anything,” he said. 

Along with the haunted corn maze, zombie laser tag will be tried for the first time.  

People can go to the haunted corn maze and zombie laser tag anytime from 7 p.m until 11 p.m on Oct. 17, 18, 24 and 25.

People will also be given the chance to win a $200 laser tag party if they answer all trivia questions located through either maze correctly.

Zombie Laser Tag admission is $5 for five minutes on the Bin Field.

For people who may not be in the mood for some frights, they will have a chance to go to a regular corn maze any Friday, Saturday or Sunday until Oct. 26 from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m.

Admission is $6 for adults and $4 for children under 12 for either corn maze. 

“We sell lots of popcorn, of course with the corn maze you want to have popcorn.”

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