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FitStar Update

May 23, 2011 | 1:01 PM

Fit Star * Up Date*- Week 5- Only 3 weeks left of our Prince Albert FitStar challenge.

Yes! the compitition is heating up! after the weigh in last night week see……. Its a Tie for first place- Hillary and Corrine both removed 1.6 pounds!! wow. It's a race, hard to say who our Biggest Loser will be?

The Fitstar with the heighest percentage of weight loss over the 8 week challenge will be crowned at the finalle and take home $250.00.

Money is always motivation to move!

But? Yes, that means everyone is in it right now, it's anyones game. These ladies are in it to win!! Week 5 was fun! All the weight loss tools came out. Thank-you Visalas for hosting the smoothie bar,everyone really enjoyed the fresh flavors!

Now we have so many more options for fuel or fast food to offer our team. Raechel and Amy from Visalus came out from Saskatoon to host our Smoothe Bar at the Ranch, it was alot of fun. Congratulations to Mia she won the door prize- $50 value 10Visalas shakes.

Wow, watch out Mia she's got good tools! Awarness Life representitive-Reigan- Came from Cudworth to introduce a vitiman option to our contestants for cirbing appatite, she set up a really nice presantation,.

Thank-you Awarness Life.

Tthis summer everyone wants to look and feel good. Thank-you Ladies for helping our Fitstars look and feel their best. Week 6- “Fresh and Easy” .

The contestants are put through our FitStar Food Bootcamp!
Who Will Win the Prize?