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ISKWEW – Women Helping Women Has Two Great Programs

May 15, 2011 | 9:00 AM

1. ISKWEW Talking Circle

Women Helping Women

The Community Development Workers from the Cooperative Health Center will be facilitating this talking circle. This circle is open to women who are survivors of abuse. Transportation and childcare are available upon request. (Requests must be in by noon of that Tuesday)

Every Tuesday evening @ 6:00 – 8:00 pm.

Come meet and share with other women.

At :

King George Community School

-Volunteer Centre

421-23rd Street East (use 24th Street Entrance)

Prince Albert Community Clinic

To Register or for more information call:

Angie Bear @ 953-6217 Rhonda Auger @ 953-6229

Email: Email:




2. The ISKWEW Program is offering a weekly session every Friday afternoon from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. at the Ok Hjertaas Room located in the Co-operative Health Centre. This informational session will be an array of informational topics to support families by providing educational workshops. Guest speakers from the community. Everyone is welcome and there is no charge for the workshop. The Next Workshops schedule are as follows:

May 13th, Gambling 101, with Elizabeth Deobald

May 20th, Budgeting Emotional Management, with Carol Etchison

May 27th, Belly Dancing, Kim Weldon

June 3rd, Postpartum Depression, with Jennifer Suchorab