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Community Planning Meeting in Birch Hills Tonight

Apr 19, 2011 | 10:52 AM

Get Involved! Community Planning Process April 19, 2011 – 7:15 pm Birch Hills Civic Center.

The Birch Hills & Area Primary Health Care Community Advisory Committee and Birch Hills Rec Board invites you to be part of the upcoming community plan-ning process to build a “Healthy Active Community.”

Purpose of planning: To identify current assets and gaps related to community activities based on your experience. To determine the community’s activities priorities for the next three years. To get other community people involved —-we need to hear from everyone.

What might be important to seniors, may be different for young people and fami-lies.

How many people need to be involved?
We need between 25—30 people for good representation from all communities and to ensure that
feedback is truly representative of the area.

Who should be involved?
People of all ages living in Birch Hills, Kinistino, Weldon, St. Louis, Muskoday and surrounding rural communities.

The committee would also like to see people from all walks of life like people from school councils, RCMP, general public; community businesses, recreation asso-ciations, RM & Town Councils, First Responders, Ambu-lance, etc.

Time Commitment Required:
The meeting will be held on April 19, 2011
7:15 pm at the Birch Hills Civic Center.
Refreshments will be provided.

Anticipated Outcomes: Communities and agencies/services working to-gether & taking action to improve the health of our communities. A clear plan with concrete direction for our commu-nities, our health team & our Community Advisory Committee.

We appreciate your serious consideration in being part of this important planning event.

Get Involved! Community Planning Process April 19, 2011
7:15 pm Birch Hills Civic Center

Who Do I Call to Get Involved?
Rob Boulding , Rec Director – 749-2251
Tiffany Olson, PHC Team —749-3302