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Create a Custom Compound for Psoriasis

May 17, 2017 | 2:06 PM

People with psoriasis know that it is about more than itchy patches of skin. The inflamed areas burn and itch. Additionally, visible psoriasis leaves scaly red patches of skin and can be unsightly and embarrassing.

At the Compounding Pharmacy of America, we understand the challenge of psoriasis. With an appropriate physician prescription, self-care, and targeted treatments, we can make compounding corticosteroids for psoriasis to improve your skin.

What Causes Psoriasis?

The exact cause is unknown and the reasons for flares vary, depending on the individual, but we do know genetics and the immune system play major roles. Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease – symptoms present with changes in your body’s immune system.

Psoriasis rashes typically present on the outsides of the elbows, knees, and scalp but can appear anywhere on the body. Men and women get it at equal rates but it is more common in Caucasians than in other races.

Treating Psoriasis

Once a doctor has confirmed you have psoriasis, they will likely recommend one of several treatments. These include over the counter topical treatments (such as bath solutions and moisturizer), topical steroids, and prescription-strength corticosteroids. Our pharmacy can offer a mix of the necessary prescriptions through compounding corticosteroids for psoriasis to better counteract the condition.

Fight Psoriasis with Properly Potent Prescription

Prescription-strength corticosteroids are the most effective treatment for psoriasis, however; achieving the correct potency is important. Your doctor will prescribe different potencies for different areas of the body. For example, mid-strength formulations are for the extremities and torso, while lower-potency treatments are more appropriate for the delicate skin of the face or flexures. Breakouts on the neck may need sunscreen included in the formulation. High-potency corticosteroids are prescribed only for the tough skin of the hands and soles of the feet and should be used in two-week increments. See the chart below to learn about the various types of steroids and their potencies.


Roses Stewart and Victoria Square Compounding Pharmacy is a member of the Professional Compounding Centers of America, Inc. We are also a member of the Association of Compounding Pharmacists of Canada. You can call to book a consultation dial 306-922-8959 or by email:

To contact us or to learn more you can also visit our web site.