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Slips and Falls

Nov 29, 2013 | 7:11 AM

The last few weeks have seen a significant number of slip and fall incidents by Parkland Ambulance Paramedics.

While some may be attributed to weather such as ice and snow, some are other factors like loose carpets or falls in the bathroom because there were no grab bars. It is important. For all of us, a slip and fall can change our lives. Sometimes this is temporary until the cast comes off, but for other people like seniors, it might mean we are no longer are able to live on our own.

That loss of independence is dramatic and can be life changing. Having to rely on others or be placed to a long term care facility may not be something for the better.

Walking out of a building to get home after a Christmas party, you step on a small patch of ice and, bammm, you are flat on the ground. Ouch that hurt! Quickly you try to get up as you are embarrassed and find the arm is very sore, the back, oh my gosh. It feels terrible. What the heck just happen? A bystander or family is there asking the same question. It’s a scenario played out often but one that requires some simple basic actions to ensure your own or someone else’s safety.

So what can we do to prevent slip and falls:
• Keeping our sidewalks free of ice and snow is a great idea.
• Install grab bars in the bathroom or by the tub.
• Remove or secure small mats on slippery surfaces like hard wood floors or linoleum.
• If you need to get up during the night have a night light.
• Walking assists like canes, walkers or crutches are not just when you are out of the house or apartment but around the house.
• Wear good footwear including inside the house.
• Remove clutter like papers, cords, or excessive furniture.
• Slow down.

So if you’ve done all these things you will decrease the chances of falling but what happens if despite your best efforts a fall does occur. Now what?

• If you’ve fallen don’t rush to get up or have someone get you up.
• Before moving make sure that everything is working – funny but important
o Wiggle the arms, wrists, flex the knees, move the ankles, shrug the shoulders.
o If nothing is sore trying to sit up slowly, stop if something causes pain.
o If you feel dizzy, take a few extra minutes to get your bearings.
o It is very important if you have any significant pain in your head, neck or back or if you cannot move because of pain/injury please summon paramedics for assistance.
• If you are trying to help someone, don’t be in a rush to get them up but check them over. If you cannot wake them up or the injuries appear significant, call for help and get paramedics to your scene.

Often we are in just as big a hurry to get up as we were going somewhere. We can do more harm by trying to get up or else move someone. Paramedics have the tools and equipment plus pain medication (if required) get the injured person safely from the scene to the hospital.

Recovering from a fall takes time.

If you are injured it might take weeks to months to get back to normal, so do yourself a favor slow down, wear good footwear and do your best to keep sidewalks free of ice and snow. In the workplace clean up spills and post signs indicating wet surfaces.

Have a safe day!