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Life is About Living

Sep 5, 2013 | 11:46 AM

I have always said you need a goal…something to strive for to be better. But what if you just want health and don’t need another goal?

As I was talking to my wonderful friend Teena, I finally got it! Yes some of us would like to have our ideal weight, no cellulite or to compete in a marathon, but what if your main focus through life is to live everyday trying to be better, to be as healthy as you can, and to love?

I pondered her comments,and analyzed the thoughts, I will whole heartily agree with my friend. You don’t always need a goal, because the race will end and you will achieve your goal weight.

Well, my friends, this is what I do to stay positive and keep moving forward in exercise~ without that next goal.

I dream big.

When I’m exercising, I’m always thinking about how to make other peoples life better, I try new exercises to always be on the cutting edge in my field. Exercise helps me keep my mind clear and to help with any anxiety of that day. Exercise to help me overcome addiction problems.

As I train, I visualize being a better wife and mother. I sometimes have a partner to workout with and when that happens, together we usually solve the world’s problems.

See you don’t need a particular goal to make achieve physical fitness, you just need to dream. Every work out is a step towards better health and living longer. All the bonus with exercise is just that ~ a bonus !

Thank you to Teena for our great csonversations, you’re alway inspiring !

We must each lead a way of life with self-awareness and compassion, to do as much as we can. Then, whatever happens we will have no regrets. – Dalai Lama

At the end of my life, I want people to say I was kind, good-hearted, and inspiring~ they won’t remember my last race .

Cheers to your next healthy step,

Danielle Carter , Personal Trainer for