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One of those summers

Jul 26, 2012 | 3:55 PM

It’s been a wonderful summer so far. Hot humid weather, tornados, power outages, rain, wind and falling trees all have factored into our July somewhere in Prince Albert region. Thankfully there have been few serious emergencies and most of us have coped well with the hot humid weather. Summer is not over as the calendar turns to August. Remember these summer time actions: drink plenty of water, stay cool, wear and reapply sun screen often.

The weather as spawned many episodes of high winds or even tornados. The awesome power of nature has many of us checking home insurance policies for coverage but also making sure our emergency plans are current. Knowing what to do during severe weather can mean the difference between surviving the storm or not.

Thunder and Lightning Storms
If you are inside:
• Unplug radios, TVs, and appliances. Use a battery-operated or wind-up radio to listen for weather warnings and instructions from authorities.
• Avoid using a corded phone and stay away from items that conduct electricity.
• If there is hail, stay away from windows, glass doors, and skylights.
If you are outside:
• If caught in the open, crouch in the “leap frog” position to minimize ground contact. Do not go under a tree.
• If you are driving, stop your vehicle away from trees or power lines.
• If you are on the water, head for the shore immediately.

If you are inside:
• If you are in a high-rise, do not use elevators.
• Go to the basement or small interior ground floor room. Take shelter under a table or desk.
• Stay away from windows, outside walls, fireplaces and doors.
• Avoid using a corded phone and stay away from items that conduct electricity.
• Limit phone calls to urgent messages only.
If you are outside:
• If time permits, go to the nearest solid shelter. If not, take cover in a low lying area such as a ditch and protect your head. Beware of flooding and downpours and be prepared to move.
• Do not shelter under a bridge as winds can accelerate.
• Do not shelter in a mobile home that does not have a solid foundation.

Severe Storms
During severe storms
• If possible, take shelter in a building and stay indoors.
• Monitor radio, television and online for weather warnings and instructions from authorities.
• If you have time, secure items that might be blown around or torn loose, such as lawn furniture.
• Stay away from windows, doors, and fireplaces.
• If you are driving, stop your car away from trees or power lines. Source

On the flip side next week we’ll bring more summer fun to the city with our annual exhibition. Rides, food, sun and fun all will be on the minds of many. Parents are reminded to ensure at all rides are age and height appropriate for your child. Keep a close watch on your children knowing where they are at all times. A full stomach of cotton candy, popcorn, soda pop and other fair foods do not go well with spinning rides. Give yourself a chance to rest after eating. Remember that the anticipated hot weather means the need for good hydration. During fair week substitute soda pop for plenty of good cool water. Enjoy the summer exhibition starting July 31.