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Should I get a 2nd dog?

Apr 27, 2012 | 4:00 PM

If dog is “man’s best friend,” then what is one dog to another? This question emerges from the lips of many canine owners each year. Petland knows the answer is especially important when a dog owner is considering the adoption of a second dog.

People like to think that their dog would love a companion, another furry being to romp and play around with throughout the day. That is true for some dogs. In fact, some dogs become almost inseparable. They eat together, sleep together, exercise together. They even love riding in the back seat of the family car – together.

But togetherness is not for every dog!!! Not all dogs cherish the thought of sharing “you” with another hound. If another dog was invited into the house, then privileges might change. The blanket on the couch might not be big enough for two. The rawhide bone bought for the old dog might be coveted by the new dog. The routine nightly walk, eagerly anticipated by Spot now includes Inky and, truth be known, Spot might not be thrilled.

So how can you tell if your faithful “best friend” would like a companion before actually bringing one home? Petland suggests a couple of trial runs: First, you should have a suitable canine companion come to your home and stay the weekend. “Suitable” canine companions are generally of the opposite sex. In dogs, males and females generally get along a lot better. The dogs should be spayed or neutered, of course! Second, you should try a week-long stay, possibly two. If all goes well, then your pet would most likely enjoy having another dog around the house. If your dog is NOT happy,

You may notice:

– Lack of appetite

– Fighting

– Hiding

-Hoarding toys and possessions

– Territorial marking

Other considerations for finding a suitable pal for your dog include age and size. Both dogs should be about the same age so that energy levels are equal. Matching an older dog, which has slowed down quite a bit, with a young and physically aggressive dog, is not recommended. Neither is it a good idea to match a Chihuahua with a Great Dane. Generally, the big dog will overpower the little dog no matter how much you try to intervene.

If you do add a second dog to your family, Petland advises making the introduction on neutral ground. This means at a place unknown to both dogs. Your old dog most likely has territorial attachments to his home, so making an introduction there might be threatening.

Other matchmaking guidelines:

– Separate the dogs constantly until you are sure they are friends, especially at feeding time.

– Provide separate but equal toys and treats for each dog.

– Spend some time alone with each dog. This one-to-one therapy helps to alleviate depression and jealously.

– Involve both dogs in some obedience training so they are more able to respect household rules.