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Only Another Mother REALLY Knows

Oct 18, 2011 | 1:16 PM

This past weekend I had the opportunity to get to know some fabulous women. We started talking and sharing about our lives and we all quickly knew that we related to each other in a way that our spouses would not or could not understand. We related because we were all working mothers. We were all struggling with balancing busy schedules, raising healthy well adjusted kids and finding “ME” time. We all wanted our children to feel loved through the life chaos. We all understood that our spouses no matter how wonderful they are don’t quite have the same emotional investment in experiences that we did. We all want and need more “me” time but were not sure if it was even possible and we all had some grief issues regarding lost pregnancies or knew someone close to us who did.

Don’t get me wrong we did not sit around and cry and have a pity party. No – just the opposite actually. We shared openly about pain and struggles and joy and kids and family and careers and I think the common thread we all struggled with was the fact that we all want to do this thing called “parenting” to the best of our ability without losing who we are and in the midst of busyness sometimes we have no idea where to find us anymore.

I think the group of us, unknowingly, each found a little bit of ourselves by simply sharing and talking with other women who could relate and who knew how we felt.

I believe that each time we admit that life is challenging and we love it and it scares us we empower another woman to feel a little less lonely in the battle for life balance.

I know I felt understood and connected and I pray that each woman felt and little more grounded after hours of sharing honestly, laughing, tears and understanding one another’s struggles. It is times like these that women need to take for “me time” and it is these times that empower us to take on another week of school, sports, practices, work, laundry, house cleaning, cooking, packing lunches, early mornings, sleepless nights, spouses, crying, whining, celebrating, fun, milestones and the precious gifts from God we call “our babies” – no matter how old they are.